Wellness Injections at AS3 Medical Spa – Boost Your Health and Vitality

Discover wellness injections at AS3 Medical Spa in Santa Fe Springs. From Semaglutide for weight loss to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C injections for energy and immunity, our treatments are designed to enhance your overall health and vitality.

Wellness Injectables: Skinny Shot, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C

At AS3 Medical Spa, our wellness injections are designed to enhance your overall health and vitality. We offer Skinny Shot, a treatment for weight loss and metabolic support; Vitamin B12 injections to boost energy, improve focus, and promote longevity; and Vitamin C injections to strengthen immunity and reduce inflammation. These treatments provide targeted benefits to help you feel and look your best.

Wellness Injectables | AS3 Med Spa

Click on any of the thumbnail images to Learn More!

Skinny Shot injection vial for weight loss and wellness offered at AS3 Medical Spa.
Skinny Shot
Vitamin B12 methylcobalamin injection vial for energy and wellness at AS3 Medical Spa.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C injectable vial for immune support and wellness available at AS3 Medical Spa.
Vitamin C